Le SKIF Belgium organisera le 22/23 Juillet 2023 le stage d’été « SUMMER CAMP 2023 »
So this year the summercamp will be held in my own hometown of Mortsel (close to Antwerp)
The instructors will be Murakami Manabu Shuseki Shihan 8th dan (World Chief Instructor of SKIF) and myself, Castrique Stephane 6th dan. (Chief-Instructor of SKIF-Belgium)
Saturday 22nd of July 10.30-12.00 Training for dojo instructors and their assistant(s) only. Minimum level is shodan. 14.00-17.00 General training divided in 2 groups, training with each instructor with a hydration break in the middle. 08.00-11.00 Social gathering (drinks and fingerfood) at SKIF-Belgium Honbu Dojo Krijgsbaan 39, 2640 Mortsel Sunday 23rd of July 09.00-10.30 Dan grading at SKIF-Belgium Honbu Dojo (nidan and up) Krijgsbaan 39, 2640 Mortsel 11.00-14.00 General training divided in 2 groups, training with each instructor with a hydration break in the middle.
Price : Instructors training on the 22nd SKIF-Belgium
dojo instructors Free of charge Their assistants 10 euro Instructors from abroad 10 euro
For this training you have to register before by Email because places are limited! Email to : stephane.castrique@gmail.com General training on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd full camp : 50 euro Training on Saturday 22nd only 30 euro Training on Sunday 23rd only 30 euro
Le SKIF Belgium Yudansha kai organisera le dimanche 21 mai 2023 un stage de Karaté dans la grande salle du complexe sportif du Poséidon.
Le stage se déroulera de 10h00 à 13h00 et sera animé par Sensei Achour Bakkioui 7ie DAN Sensei Yvan De Windt 6ie DAN Sensei Michel Lelièvre 6ie DAN
Le stage est accessible à tous les grades à partir de 9 ans. Les frais de participation pour le stage sont de 10 € pour les enfants et 20 € pour les 16 ans et plus.
Evènements au complexe POSEIDON DE WOLUWE ST LAMBERT a Bruxelles de 9h à 18h
Avenue des vaillants num 2, 1200 Woluwe St Lambert, Bruxelles
SKIF POSEIDON CUP 2022 Evènements au complexe POSEIDON DE WOLUWE ST LAMBERT a Bruxelles de 9h à 18h Avenue des vaillants num 2, 1200 Woluwe St Lambert, Bruxelles